The box, once opened, becomes a colourful three-dimensional setting where the cut-out figures be moved to follow the story, as well as a being used to create lots of other stories.
The kitchen garden game

National Prize A BOOK FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Special mention
Text author: Sandra Dal Borgo, Angela Messina
Illustrations: Fiammetta Dogi, Giulia Re, Erika Luppi
Laminated cardboard box which becomes a 3D setting • closed size 46 x 30 cm • 40 folding sheets • 60 playcards and placemakers • a do-it-yourself vegetable garden • Age: from 6 years upwards.
What a nice Farm!
Stories about goats, donkeye, geese, cows, shepherd dogs and baby Leo
This is not just a box: this is a farm too!
You've just to open that and will find out a tridimensional crowded with the caracters of the book.
Text author: Emanuela Nava
Illustrations: Giulia Re
Laminated box-game which becomes a 3D setting • closed size 47,5 x 33 cm • contains removable cut-out figures and fold-out book of 12 pages • Age: from 4 years upwards.
Series: Openbox
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