venerdì 26 dicembre 2014
Bread and milk
A hardcover book conceived for the little ones, the journey of a baby and his mummy to discover flavors, tastes and emotions related to the act of nutrition.
The right attitude to food and healthy food can be learned from childhood, together, sharing emotions, curiosity, love and cuddles.
The right attitude to food and healthy food can be learned from childhood, together, sharing emotions, curiosity, love and cuddles.
Text: Emanuale Nava
Well known author, she lives in Milan. As a children’s author, she has had around forty books published which have been dedicated to children of all ages. Her books have already been translated in many differemt countries.
Illustrations: Desideria Guicciardini
She lives and works in Milan. She’s an illustrator for the most important Italian and foreign publishing houses. She participated to many exhibitions and events with both works for children and works of art.
98 x 17 cm • Age: from 18 months upwards
Series: The story circle
Paperboard bound books, designed for the youngest readers; to read, to look at and to discover a fabulous picture which unfolds from page to page, creating a
book which seems endless.
book which seems endless.
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sabato 1 novembre 2014
Rock-a-bye baby
A tender lullaby to talk to a baby to the rhythm of music and words since he/she is in mummy’s tummy. An ongoing dialogue made by caresses, dance, sounds and poetry that cheers up, brightens and
makes us feel closer.
The book was created by musician Elizabetta Garilli during workshops with moms, dads and small children.
makes us feel closer.
The book was created by musician Elizabetta Garilli during workshops with moms, dads and small children.
Texts and music: Elisabetta Garilli · Pianist and composer, she is an expert in applied music teaching, she is also the curator of the exhibition “Agora. Families and the city meet the music” realized in Verona. She is the author of many musical performances.
Illustrations: Bimba Landmann · Since 1988 she has created illustrations for children with great success both in Italy and abroad. Her books have inspired documentaries, music cds, theater performances and educational activities in schools.
Illustrations: Serena Abagnato · Polymaterials artist, she loves working with materials of any kind (clay, wood, natural materials, fabrics, etc...) with which she creates illustrations and numerous installations and sets for theatrical and musical performances.
Illustrated albums • 48 pages • with CD In 20 x 21 cm format • Age: For parents to be and children 0-3 years
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venerdì 31 ottobre 2014
Together we are unique
Jaguar and lizard are very tired after the party, they actually have so many thoughts. They feel that something is missing. Something that they seem to have lost.
Something that they would love to have back. So owl, monkey, spider and all the other animals, decide to help them out - by using colors and imagination - to get back what they want. There are things that you can and you should try to fix, and it’s definitely better to do it together with other people.
<< They went back home.
They were tired but they felt close, special.
They were tired but they felt close, special.
And strong.
...To lose your tail
and then to find it.
...To lose your tail
and then to find it.
Nothing was impossible.>>
Texts: Beatrice Masini
Beatrice Masini: she lives and works in Milan.
Journalist, translator of novels (including Harry Potter, from the third
volume of the series onwards). She has published forty books for children and teens, including illustrated albums, collections of short stories and novels, many of them published in many languages).
Illustrations: Annalisa Beghelli
A young and eclectic architect with a passion for illustrations.
She creates editorial projects and illustrations for children books.
Illustrated albums • 36 pages • In 28,5 x 28,5 cm format • Age: from 6 years upwards
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mercoledì 8 ottobre 2014
You can

"The wind came, and then the rain,
and then the storm.
It was dark everywhere. Around and inside.
After that, the world had been ther before,
was just gone forever.
It was no longer recognizable.
There were only ruins. And so, they left. "
"YOU CAN" talks, in an indirect, delicate and poetic way, about the
terrible experience of the loss of a close family member, a death that
destroys the life of a child and his family... a chasm that opens up...
but it's not the end of everything.
"YOU CAN" talks about a great pain but also describes the possibility to
overcome it in order to be able to find a new way of living together:
"It takes commitment, strength and effort, it takes words and silences,
and memory. But you can do it. "
Texts: Beatrice Masini
She lives and works in Milan. Journalist, translator of novels
(including Harry Potter, from the third volume of the series onwards).
She has published forty books for children and teens, including
illustrated albums, collections of short stories and novels, many of
them published in many languages).
Illustrations: Arianna Papini
She lives and works in Florence, she is a well know author and
She has published more than seventy books with many Italian and
European publishing houses. She has received numerous awards.
She has taken part in eighty solo and group exhibitions in Italy and
She’s a volunteer at the Department of Pediatric Hemato-Oncology for
Illustrated albums • 32 pages • In 23 x 34 cm format • Age: from 5 years upwards
Series: I need a story
Other titles in the series:
A foster-mother for princess Martina (talking about foster care).
A foster-mother for princess Martina (talking about foster care).
The house with lots of windows (talking about the hospitalization
of children).
Anna finds her dreams (talking about child abuse).
Bibo in the mirror-land (talking about international adoption).
My sister is a four leaf-clover (talking about disability and family
I'm not splitting up (talking about separation).
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giovedì 11 settembre 2014
The right place
Little squirrel, after a long and cold winter, decides to go in search of
a mysterious place, a place where he feels he needs to go.
He knows very well that the right place exists somewhere but he
doesn’t know exactlywhere.
To find the right place he asks Woodpecker,Turtle, Tit, Mole and Owl
along the way.
Thanks to their suggestions he decides to stop by "a big
tree with deep roots and wide and long branches".
The right place! A big tree able to understand the needs of everyone
and where nobody feels lonely...
The value of being together and never feeling alone
Beatrice Masini: she lives and works in Milan. Journalist, translator of
novels (including Harry Potter, from the third volume of the series
onwards). She has published forty books for children and teens,
including illustrated albums and collections of short stories and novels,
many of them published in many languages.
Illustrations: Simona Mulazzani
She lives and works in Pesaro. She works with Italian, American,
Japanese and French publishers. She has created many picture books
but also commercials, short films and television themes, many of them
award-winning and highly successful.
Illustrated volume • 36 pages • Format: 28,5 x 28,5 cm • Age: from 4 upwards
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Bounce Bounce
An original character and his funny adventure inside a balloon that travels between earth, sea and sky. A silent book that will make your curiosity and imagination "bounce".

BOUNCE BOUNCE is a funny and engaging silent book conceived for children.
The book tells the adventure of a funny pet who, inside a balloon, "bounces and flies" up in the sky, into space, and deep down into the sea...
A journey through a world suspended between dream and reality in which every place and every character, including the little balloon, has a curious identity to be discovered.
A picture story that involves the reader in a playful game able to surprise up to the last page.
"... In some ways, a silent book is even more beautiful than a written book.
A silent book, in particular a well done silent book of course, definitely raises more questions, makes us more investigative, more reflective, more independent and ultimately more involved as co-authors in the narrative contained in it.
A silent book
A silent book provokes a brand new emotion every time."
Ferruccio Giromini
and created by Brian Fitzgerald.
Fitzgerald is a well known Irish illustrator, he lives and works in Dublin.
Graduated from the National College of Art and Design, he has won numerous
international awards.
He's the winner of the International Illustrated Silent Book Contest 2014, of the Creative
Quarterly Summer 2014, of the pplied Arts llustration Awards (Editorial) 2014 and of the
AICAD Bronze Award.
He is selected for Luerzer's 200 Best Illustrations Worldwide 2014-15 and for Images 36,
The Best of British Illustration. Also he is shortlisted for Réics Carló Young Persons Book
of the Year Award 2011 and 2012.
Graduated from the National College of Art and Design, he has won numerous
international awards.
He's the winner of the International Illustrated Silent Book Contest 2014, of the Creative
Quarterly Summer 2014, of the pplied Arts llustration Awards (Editorial) 2014 and of the
AICAD Bronze Award.
He is selected for Luerzer's 200 Best Illustrations Worldwide 2014-15 and for Images 36,
The Best of British Illustration. Also he is shortlisted for Réics Carló Young Persons Book
of the Year Award 2011 and 2012.
He has
children's books.
Bounce Bounce by
Brian Fitzgerald
is the winner of the
2014 Silent Book Contest,
the first
international Silent Book Contest.
Silent Book International Contest 2014,
the first international competition dedicated to silent books,
has been promoted by the Municipality of Mulazzo, the Association
Montereggio Country Booksellers, Carthusia Edizioni, IOB International
Organization of Book Town, IBBY Italy and Bologna Children's Book Fair.
The Silent Book International Contest was a great challenge for the
international world of illustration: for the first time, illustrators from
all over the world have been invited to participate in a contest for the
creation of a silent book, which has been evaluated by
a major international jury.
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story of a boy and his little sister, to tell the fascinating world
of the designer’s
profession. The creative flair and the intuitive process but also the
practical sense that underlie this art.
"I have to admit that it wasn't my stroke of genius to make a change in my life, but a shove by my little sister..."

Sabina Colloredo: texts
Gianni De Conno: illustrations
AID Italian Association for Industrial Design: in depth texts
Paperboard-bound volume in concertina format • 24 pages
Format: closed 11,5 x 23 cm • opened 138 x 23 cm • Age: 3-9 years
Patented format

Journeys out of time into unusual places where the enthralling and involving narrative and wonderful pictures come together to focus particular attention onArt, Astronomy, Travel and much more besides.
Other titles in the series: The beautiful carpet •The dreams of Liu To
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