martedì 18 giugno 2013

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C · A · R · T · H · U · S · I · A


There is always someone younger than us. We can bear all this. But most people seem to be older than us. We can hardly bear all this: it  makes us feel inadequate and fearful. This new series wants to make children self-confident, in order to get keys to go over doubts and failures.
A sort of how-to-guide to let children grow as a fair part of civil consciousness and adults’ community. How to become good adults and be proud of it.

The courage to be brave 

Growing up without being sneaky and without feeling stupid as a result


What is bravery for children? It’s a hopeful ability in accepting their own failures and still going on and trying once again; in asking for help in order to ove rcome their own feelings of uneasiness but also being helpful to others at the same time. A sort of at-hand- bravery that children can put on the shelf: a guide easy to get at for children... if only fo l lowed by adults who can “unlock” such complex contents. 

Psychology in the hands of a child 

<<You were great!>>

A whole new courage is the principal idea in this first volume: a surprising courage, full of hope for children, but  above all because of its unexpected meaning. no more heroic virtue, the sole preserve of brillant, cheeky "successful" children, but  rather the ability to accept the failure, to keep  on trying, to ask someone for help, to overcome feelings of inadequacy, but also  to offer help to those who need it. A kind of courage that is easy to reach, on the bottom shelf of the pantry, where children can get it easly, if only someone will give them the key 

<<It's the desire to find out that leads to the discovery of lots of things and to become grown up.>>


Domenico Barrilà is a psychotherapist and  analyst. 
He has always written to let adults help childre n  to grow. This is his first time in writing dire c t ly to children: this is the result of 25 ye a rs spent in st u d y i n g the subject, through essays, books, articles, 3 sons and a huge amount/personal passion.

Emanuela Bussolati is one of the most appreciated authors and illustrators of children books. At the moment, she’s working for seve ral publishing houses in Italy and abroad (such as France, UK, Greece, Germany, Korea, and so on).

Text author: Domenico Barrilà
Illustrations: Emanuela Bussolati 
Picture book 40 pages  In 23 x 23 cm format Age: from 4 years upwards

Series: Growing up without side effects
Other titles in the series: The courage to be me, The courage to be open-hearted, The courage to think about God, This is me.

© Carthusia Edizioni - all rights reserved

C · A · R · T · H · U · S · I · A


This innovative series aims to help children to solve their self-esteem troubles; the series wants to provide children with the instruments to goover matters without damaging other people. A must-have educational resource  make children feel self-confident and an active part of civil consciousness. 

The courage to be ME

Becoming adult by being ourselves without aping other people

A new step on the way to a courageous life.
To solve the problem of how important and valid they are, children must find out who they are. They have to become important for someone. They try and try again, they take refuge in approval in order not to feel different from others, but then, one day, they realize that by doing so they become invisible and they cannot be picked out among others. And so begins the search for individual and personal solutions, everyone chooses their own path.

Psychology in the hands of a child 

<<Some ideas, however, become cages that can kill our dreams.>>

This is how the lifestyle of a child is created day after day, the mark of his personality, the imprint that will make him perfectly recognizable, more recognizable than his own name.
Page after page, the characters speak about the big issue of the children’s identity: in order to be themselves, children need to be brave. This book starts from children’s fear to be cut out by the friends’ group. But what do we need to be “special”? Our footprint is represented not only by the identity’s features (male, female, black, white... ) but also by our life-style.

<<We are part of nature, we are important because we are different and special.>>

 <<Cages are also used to divide and make classifications.>>

<<It takes courage to accept ourselves as we are and to be accepted by others.>>

Text author: Domenico Barrilà
Illustrations: Emanuela Bussolati 
Paperboard-bound volume  40 pages In 23 x 23 cm format  Age from 4 years upwards

Series: Growing up without side effects
Other titles in the series: The courage to be brave, The courage to be open-hearted, The courage to think about God, This is me.

© Carthusia Edizioni all rights reserved

C · A · R · T · H · U · S · I · A